Friday, December 8, 2017

How to Straighten Natural Hair Without Heat Damage! 10 Valuable Tips!

How to Straighten Natural Hair Without Heat Damage! 10 Valuable Tips!


Next to the use of chemicals, the improper use of heat is one of the leading causes of hair damage.  Many people are unaware of the fact that heat damage can occur after just one application of heat. Once heat damage occurs, it is irreversible in most cases. There is not much that can be done except cut off the damaged portions.  The best way to deal with heat damage is by completely avoiding it in the first place.  Below are some great tips that can easily be applied to your hair care routine. Avoiding heat damage is vital because it can cause a major hair setback.

Heat damage. Is it reversible? This is one of the most frequent questions that I receive. When I get an email from someone telling me their story about suffering from heat damage, my heart goes out to them.  In most cases, I will have to tell them the bad news that it may not be reversed. It really depends on the severity of the damage. If the damage is not too severe, using a sulfate based shampoo and increasing the use of protein in your regimen may do the trick.  If the damage is severe and the above trick doesn’t restore the hair, the damaged ends may need to be clipped.

  1. Limit the use of daily heat- The use of direct heat should be limited to 1 - 4 times per month. Using direct heat on a daily basis will lead to less moisture retention in the hair and will certainly result in brittle / porous hair. Remember brittle hair leads to breakage and breakage equals “no length retention”.  Thinness will result and eventually the hair will be extremely damaged, thin and lifeless.
  2. Limit blow drying to 1 -4 times per month. If you are cleansing and deep conditioning weekly, blow drying your hair weekly should not cause serious damage. Be sure that your blow dryer is ceramic and not used on the highest setting.
  3. Let’s address “wet to dry” flat irons. I have seen these particular flat irons sold a numerous retail markets. After shampooing and conditioning the hair, the hair is sectioned and the flat iron is used directly on wet hair. The hair dries after running the flat iron through the hair a few times. You can hear the hair sizzle and crackle as the iron runs through the hair. This process is very dangerous. Please steer clear of these types of flat irons. The results may look amazing after the first use but after using this type of flat iron over time, severe damage is the consequence. Microscopic views of the hair strand show that the hair loses significantly more tensile strength and elasticity. It also causes severe dryness.  It is healthier to bring out the trusty hair dryer and take the few extra minutes to blow dry your hair safely before flat ironing.
  4. Temperature setting. I get this question all of the time. -> What temperature should I use to flat iron my hair? The amount of heat that the hair can take differs from person to person.  If you are straightening your own hair for the very first time, start at a very low heat setting (i.e. 300-350 degrees). Then work your way up to higher temperatures after you see how your hair responds to the current setting. Increase the temperature of your flat iron only if needed.
  5. When using heat, be sure to only use Ceramic and or Tourmaline flat irons to straighten and or curl your hair.  This will cause less damage to your hair because ceramic / tourmaline technology heats the hair from the inside to the outside and not vice versa. Be sure that the flat iron that you purchase is solid ceramic/ tourmaline and not just ceramic / tourmaline plated. The top coating of ceramic plated flat irons will wear away quickly leaving you with hot spots along the surface of the iron.
  6. Throw away your traditional hot combs. Hot combs can be extremely damaging because they contain hot spots along the surface.  The temperature cannot be regulated and hot combs can burn the hair easily causing irreversible damage. There are some ceramic /electric hot combs available. This would be a better option.
  7. Use ceramic / tourmaline blow dryers.  Blow dryers are available using this technology as well. For our blow drying ladies and gents out there, just know that this is a much safer alternative in comparison to traditional blow dryers. Most traditional blow dryers blow the moisture “out” of the hair resulting in dryness. You can feel the difference in your hair’s moisture levels after using a blow dryer with ceramic / tourmaline technology.  As pointed out previously, ceramic / tourmaline heat is less damaging to the hair and more of the hair’s moisture will be preserved.
  8. Diffusers are awesome! A diffuser is a contraption that you can add to the end of your blow dryer to decrease the flow of direct heat. When blow drying the hair, a great way to minimize heat damage is to use one.  It works amazingly well for wash and gos to speed up the drying process.
  9. Frizzy ends and the chase method. Have you ever flat ironed your hair and still suffered from frizzy ends? This is more prevalent with kinky textures. Frizzy ends can be a problem if you desire a silky smooth press from root to tip.  The chase method will smooth out those frizzy ends. The process consists of taking a section of hair and running a comb through your hair simultaneously behind the flat iron. This comb will separate the hair strands which allows for a smoother press from root to tip.  This method is less damaging because fewer passes of the flat iron are needed.                                                                                                                  Product recommendation: Hydratherma Naturals Flat Iron ChaseComb.

  1. Always use a heat protector to protect the hair from irreversible heat damage. Never use any heat utensils without using a great heat protector. This not only goes for flat irons but for blow dryers as well.                                                                                                                     Product Recommendation: Hydratherma Naturals Herbal Gloss Heat Protector

A few extra Important tips!

  1. Using heat on dirty hair is a definite NO NO! Heat should only be used on freshly cleansed hair. If not, you will be baking dirt and buildup in the hair strand causing extreme damage. Don't wait longer than 2 days after cleansing your hair to use any type of heat. Dirty hair will always burn faster leading to quick damage.
  2. Oil and flat ironing. Using a very small amount of oil on the hair before flat ironing is very safe. Adding large amounts of oil to the hair before flat ironing will “fry” the hair. This is because oil heats up extremely fast and these higher levels of heat can be very damaging to hair. To use oil safely, just apply a few drops of oils to your entire head of hair and your scalp before flat ironing. This will also keep the hair bouncy and will not give your hair a greasy / weighed down look.                                                                                                            Product Recommendation: Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Oil 

  1. “Heat Trained Hair”- Many women with natural hair who wear their hair straight over 90% of the time may notice that their curl pattern has slightly loosened. This is very noticeable when the hair is wet. A person who started out with a tight / kinky curl pattern may eventually end up with a looser wavy hair texture after the constant use of heat. This is commonly called “heat trained hair” but it is really a form of heat damage. If the person consistently wears their hair straight and is not experiencing breakage, it is nothing to worry about.
  2. How to get the bouncy look when using heat?  There are 2 types of presses that I have seen.  A. Hair that is weighed down, greasy and doesn’t move. B. Hair that is bouncy, movable and shiny. The big difference is dependent on how the hair was prepped before styling.  The amount of product and the type of product that is used will be the determining factor. Don’t use excessive product (moisturizers, leave in conditioners and oils) before flat ironing the hair. This is a common mistake that I see regularly. If you want bouncy hair that moves, don’t apply too many heavy moisturizers and oils to the hair prior to blow drying. All it takes is a pea sized amount of moisturizer, a few drops of oil and a few sprays of the heat protectant before blow drying and flat ironing the hair. I have seen many stylists soak the hair in heat protector prior to flat ironing each section of the hair. This is so not necessary and will result in limp hair for sure. My formula is 1- 1½ pea size amount of the Hydratherma Naturals Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion, 3-4 drops of the Hair Growth Oil and about 4 sprays of the Herbal Gloss Heat Protector before blow drying the hair. This always results in soft, bouncy and movable hair with lots of shine.
*Hope these hair tips will help you to avoid heat damage in the future!
Thanks for reading and I’ll catch ya at the next blog posts!
Saleemah Cartwright
Hydratherma Naturals – CEO
All products are available at
Be sure to use the coupon code HYDRALOVE at checkout for additional savings!
Social Media links
#hydrathermanaturals #hydratherma #healthyhair #naturalhair #heatdamage
#hairgrowth #hairbreakage #stopbreakage

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Best Hydratherma Naturals Deals! Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Small Bu...

Are you ready? Hydratherma Naturals Holiday Deals are coming!
Black Friday-Small Business Saturday-Cyber Monday
Happy Holidays!
Be sure to take advantage of the Hydratherma Naturals
holiday deals this year!
Use the code -> SUPERSALE <- at checkout and receive
This includes already discounted collection sets and vitamin
Be sure to take advantage EARLY! We are sure to sell out!
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!



Friday, November 3, 2017

How to prevent natural hair breakage with the correct NIGHTLY ROUTINE- 4 tips!

How to prevent natural hair breakage with the correct NIGHTLY ROUTINE- 4 tips!

Let’s face it, your nightly hair routine is extremely important when it comes to keeping your natural hair healthy and breakage free.

Protect those strands nightly. 
Protecting your natural hair at night is key when it comes to preventing tangles, single strand knots and thinning areas.  Many naturalistas may notice thinning and breakage and wonder why it may be occurring. If you are keeping your hair well moisturized and balanced with moisture/ protein, your nightly regimen may be the culprit.
Here are 4 great hair tips that will keep your mane protected at night.

1.     Pleassssse…get rid of that cotton pillow case.  I would suggest that you invest in a satin or silk pillowcase. Cotton should be avoided because this material is absorbent and will soak up the moisture in your natural hair.  This will result in severely dry hair. Satin and silk fabrics are smoother and will not cause friction.  This means…….. fewer tangles and snags.

2. Never sleep with your natural hair loose. Sleeping with loose natural hair will lead to tangles galore! Before retiring to bed always be sure that your hair is tucked away in a protective style. I.e. Braids, pin curls, twists, wrapped, bun etc.  This will prevent tangles and ultimately prevent breakage.

3. Sleep with a silk or satin hair bonnet / scarf every single night. This will protect your hair as you sleep. If your significant other is not really feeling it, you can opt for a stylish bonnet. There are many online vendors selling lovely handmade bonnets that are actually cute. If you prefer to not cover your hair at night, be sure that you sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase.

4. Moisturize before bed. Moisturizing the hair before bed is the best time to do so. Apply the moisturizer to your hair, style your hair in a protective style and cover to protect. This will allow the moisture to soak in and penetrate your hair strands. In the morning, your hair will be super soft and well moisturized. Just fluff and go.  

Product recommendations to retain moisture – Hydratherma Naturals Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion to moisturize and the Hair Growth Oil to seal in the moisture.

                                                      Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Oil

Hope that these nightly routines will help you to avoid a hair setback.
Thanks for reading and I’ll catch ya at the next blog posts!
Saleemah Cartwright
Hydratherma Naturals – CEO
All products are available at
Be sure to use the coupon code HYDRALOVE at checkout for additional savings!
Social Media links
#hydrathermanaturals #hydratherma #healthyhair #naturalhair #nightlyhairroutine
#hairgrowth #hairbreakage #stopbreakage

Friday, September 22, 2017

9 Tips to Avoid Heat Damage

                           9 Tips to Avoid Heat Damage

Next to the use of chemicals, the improper use of heat is one of the leading causes of hair damage. Many people are unaware of the fact that heat damage can occur after just one application of heat. Once heat damage occurs, it is irreversible in most cases. There is not much that can be done except cut off the damaged portions.  The best way to deal with heat damage is by completely avoiding it in the first place.  Below are some great tips that can easily be applied to your hair care routine to prevent heat damage. Avoiding heat damage is vital because it can cause a major hair setback.

1. Limit the use of daily heat to avoid heat damage. The use of direct heat should be limited to 1 - 4 times per month. Using direct heat on a daily basis will lead to less moisture retention in the hair and will certainly result in brittle / porous hair. Remember brittle hair leads to breakage and breakage equals “no length retention”.  Thinness will result and eventually the hair will be extremely damaged, thin and lifeless.

2. Limit blow drying to 1 -4 times per month. If you are cleansing and deep conditioning weekly, blow drying your hair weekly should not cause serious heat damage. Be sure that your blow dryer is ceramic and not used on the highest setting. Blow dryers are available using ceramic technology as well. For our blow drying ladies and gents out there, just know that this is a much safer alternative in comparison to traditional blow dryers. Most traditional blow dryers blow the moisture “out” of the hair resulting in dryness. You can feel the difference in your hair’s moisture levels after using a blow dryer with ceramic / tourmaline technology.  As pointed out previously, ceramic / tourmaline heat is less damaging to the hair and more of the hair’s moisture will be preserved.

3. Temperature setting. I get this question all of the time. -> What temperature should I use to flat iron my hair? The amount of heat that the hair can take differs from person to person.  If you are straightening your own hair for the very first time, start at a very low heat setting (i.e. 300-350 degrees). Then work your way up to higher temperatures after you see how your hair responds to the current setting. Increase the temperature of your flat iron only if needed.

4. When using heat, be sure to only use Ceramic and or Tourmaline flat irons to straighten and or curl your hair.  This will cause less heat damage to your hair because ceramic / tourmaline technology heats the hair from the inside to the outside and not vice versa. Be sure that the flat iron that you purchase is solid ceramic/ tourmaline and not just ceramic / tourmaline plated. The top coating of ceramic plated flat irons will wear away quickly leaving you with hot spots along the surface of the iron.

5. Throw away your traditional hot combs. Hot combs can be extremely damaging because they contain hot spots along the surface.  The temperature cannot be regulated and hot combs can burn the hair easily causing irreversible heat damage. There are some ceramic /electric hot combs available. This would be a better option.

6. Frizzy ends and the chase method. Have you ever flat ironed your hair and still suffered from frizzy ends? This is more prevalent with kinky textures. Frizzy ends can be a problem if you desire a silky smooth press from root to tip.  The chase method will smooth out those frizzy ends. The process consists of taking a section of hair and running a comb through your hair simultaneously behind the flat iron. This comb will separate the hair strands which allows for a smoother press from root to tip.  This method is less damaging because fewer passes of the flat iron are needed. 

7. Always use a heat protector to protect the hair from irreversible heat damage. Never use any heat utensils without using a great heat protector. This not only goes for flat irons but for blow dryers as well.

8. Using heat on dirty hair is a definite NO NO! Heat should only be used on freshly cleansed hair. If not, you will be baking dirt and buildup in the hair strand causing extreme damage. Don't wait longer than 2 days after cleansing your hair to use any type of heat. Dirty hair will always burn faster leading to quick damage.

9. Oil and flat ironing. Using a very small amount of oil on the hair before flat ironing is very safe. Adding large amounts of oil to the hair before flat ironing will “fry” the hair. This is because oil heats up extremely fast and these higher levels of heat can be very damaging to hair. To use oil safely, just apply a few drops of oils to your entire head of hair and your scalp before flat ironing. This will also keep the hair bouncy and will not give your hair a greasy / weighed down look.

Hope these tips will help you to prevent heat damage in the future!

Thanks for reading and I’ll catch ya at the next blog posts!
Saleemah Cartwright
Hydratherma Naturals – CEO
All products are available at
Be sure to use the coupon code HYDRALOVE at checkout for additional savings!
Social Media links
#hydrathermanaturals #hydratherma #healthyhair #heatdamage #hairdamage

#hairgrowth #hairbreakage #stopbreakage

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Balancing the Moisture and Protein Levels in Your Hair. 7 Awesome Tips!

Balancing the Moisture and Protein Levels in Your Hair. 

7 Awesome Tips!


Hey guys!
This blog post is about that all too complicated topic -> Moisture and Protein Balance.
Many of you guys know that I started the Hydratherma Naturals product line some years back to help simplify this issue. 
While working as a beautician in the 1990’s, I realized that adding too much protein made my clients hair feel hard  and using too much moisture would make their hair too soft. Both extremes lead to breakage. It all finally clicked in my mind and after much research, I decided to create a product line specifically designed to balance the moisture and protein levels in the hair. Hydratherma Naturals was born!

Moisture – Protein Balance

7 Tips to help balance the moisture and protein levels in the hair.

Did you know that you can ‘over moisturize’ your hair? Many people don’t know this fact. Over moisturized hair can lead to breakage. Be sure that your hair is properly balanced with moisture and protein. This will greatly reduce breakage. Read on……..

1.            Retention is the goal.  If your goal is to retain length realize that unbalanced hair riddled with split ends will break just as fast as it grows. This is the reason many people will say “My hair will not grow”. This is so far from the truth. Hair will continuously grow from the scalp daily but if the hair is breaking at the same rate that it is growing, the hair will appear not to have grown at all. In actuality, length is not being retained.  There is a continuous cycle of growth and breakage that is occurring. This cycle will never end unless you become aware and stop the breakage. The goal is to let those inches add up by keeping the hair balanced with moisture and protein. Healthy ends will not break.

2.            This is MAJOR! Maintain a great moisture and protein balance in the hair to prevent breakage. As mentioned previously, too much moisture will cause the hair to be very soft and will cause breakage. Using too much protein in your regimen will cause the hair to become very hard and brittle which will also lead to breakage. Keeping a balance is very important to prevent breakage and promote length retention.

3.            How do you know which one your hair needs? I get a lot of questions about how to get started  with maintaining a great moisture /protein balance. How do you know which one your hair needs? After washing and deep conditioning your hair, look at a shed hair strand. Lightly pull the strand of hair. If your hair is spongy or gummy when it is wet, more protein is needed. If (when wet) it breaks right away when you pull (without elasticity) you need more moisture.  If your hair is deficient of protein, I would suggest that you start your regimen with a protein treatment for the first couple of weeks. If your hair is moisture deficient, start with a moisturizing deep treatment. Just listen to your hair and it will tell you what it needs. 
Product Recommendations- The Hydratherma Naturals Moisture Boosting Deep Conditioning Treatment and/ or Amino PlusProtein Deep Conditioning Treatment will help get your hair into balance. These treatments can be alternated every other week. Daily use of our Protein Balance Leave In Conditioner and our Daily MoisturizingGrowth Lotion along with sealing in moisture with our Hair Growth Oil will help you to maintain a nourishing balance during the week. Maintaining a nice moisture / protein balance is the key.

4.            Retaining length by balancing the hair throughout the week. Weekly balancing of moisture and protein levels may not be enough for most. If your goal is to have longer and thicker hair, be sure that you take care of your hair ends daily by keeping them balanced with moisture and protein every single day. If your hair growth ½ inch per month and your hair breaks at the same rate, the length and thickness of your hair will remain the same. If you stop the breakage at the ends, length will be retained. You can do this by giving your hair a boost of moisture and light protein daily to keep it balanced.  Be sure that the protein that you add daily is very light so that protein overload will not occur. 
Product recommendation for daily use- Hydratherma Naturals Protein Balance Leave In Conditioner (adds light proteins to strengthen) and the Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion (adds moisture and encourages growth).

5.            Elasticity. What is it all about? A great measure of healthy hair is normal elasticity. Hair elasticity measures how much the hair will stretch and return to a normal state. Hair in great shape will stretch 20%- 50% of its original length. It will then return to its normal shape. This occurs without breaking. If breakage occurs, the elasticity is low. Balancing the moisture and protein levels will help you to maintain healthy elasticity.

6.            Porous hair. What exactly is it?  Typically, overly porous hair is caused by chemical treatments, heat damage and over manipulation of the hair. Porosity varies from person to person.  It is the ability of moisture to enter and exit the hair.  Porous hair soaks up moisture quickly but loses it quickly as well. Overly porous hair can be more prone to breakage because of the spongy gaps along the hair strand. Those with porous hair tend to need a bit more protein in their hair regimen to fill in the porous gaps and strengthen the hair.  After the porous gaps are filled moisture will better be retained as well.

7.            Maintain normal porosity. A porous hair strand has a raised cuticle layer with gaps along the hair strand. Porous hair absorbs too much moisture which sounds great right? The problem is that the strand also leaks out moisture.  This prevents moisture retention. Overly porous hair tends to be chemically treated, damaged in some way, dull and dry looking. One way to normalize porosity is to stop the practice that is causing the damage and slightly increase the use of protein in your hair care regimen. The proteins will bind to the porous gaps along the hair strand and strengthen the hair. This will allow the hair to retain moisture more effectively.

Hope these 7 tips were helpful to you guys out there.
You can read more about the Moisture Protein Balance at the below link.

Thanks for reading and I’ll catch ya on the next blog posts!
Saleemah Cartwright
Hydratherma Naturals – CEO

All products are available at
Be sure to use the coupon code HYDRALOVE at checkout for additional savings!


Social Media links


#hydrathermanaturals #hydratherma #healthyhair #moistureproteinbalance #proteinmoisturebalance

#hairgrowth #hairbreakage #stopbreakage

Friday, July 28, 2017

How to define curls on short natural hair (4a, 4b and 4c hair)

How to define curls on short natural hair.  (4a, 4b and 4c hair)

Hey family!
Hope that you all had an amazing week!
In this blog post, I will write about how to define curls on short natural hair (4a, 4b and 4c hair types).

I will discuss two methods that work easily on all curly and kinky hair textures. I will also discuss the best hair care products that you can use to get optimal results.  The first method is the finger coiling technique and the second method is the sponge method. Both methods are simple and will give you super cute results. These styles will work best on hair 2 inches or shorter but the coil method can work on longer lengths. The beauty of this style is that it looks completely different on each hair type allowing us to celebrate our own unique beauty!

How to Define Curls on Short Natural Hair (4a, 4b and 4c hair)

Method #1 Finger Coiling Technique

This method requires a bit more time when compared to method #2 but this method gives your hair a lot more definition and it will last longer.  This method also works best on soaking wet hair.

1  After cleansing and conditioning, be sure that your hair is completely detangled.

2  Moisturize and seal in the moisture with oil. This is an important step to keep your hair moisturized and hydrated before applying your styler.  

3  Apply your styler to each section and comb through or use a Denman brush to distribute your styler throughout your hair evenly.
    Take very small sections of hair and twirl around your finger until a coil forms. Move on to the next section until all of your hair is coiled.

5  Be sure to use a water bottle to spray your hair occasionally while coiling. This will keep your hair as wet as possible. Remember that your hair should be super wet to get optimal results using this method. See video below.

6  Apply a light mist of heat protector and dry your hair using a hood dryer for best results. Be sure that your hair is completely dry to avoid frizz.  

                  Hydratherma Naturals Product Demo

How to Define Curls on Short Natural Hair (4a, 4b and 4c hair)

Method #2 Sponge Technique
If you are short on time, this method works extremely well. It only takes a few minutes. You can use any twist or curl sponge for this method. You can also use your hand or a towel. I find that that the sponge technique works best on hair that is damp or dry (not soaking wet) and on shorter hair lengths.

1.       After cleansing and conditioning, be sure that your hair is completely detangled.
2.       Moisturize and seal in the moisture with oil. This is an important step to keep your hair moisturized and hydrated before applying your styler.  
3.       Apply your styler to all of your hair. No need to section.  Just be sure that your hair is well saturated with the styler and evenly distributed with your wide tooth comb or Denman brush.
4.       Take your sponge and make circular motions around your whole head of hair. You will notice that your hair will start to form small coils. Try to keep the sponge close to the scalp for more definition.  See video below.
5.       Apply a light mist of heat protector and dry your hair using a hood dryer for best results. Be sure that your hair is completely dry to avoid frizz.  

 Here are a few pictures displaying how I defined the curls on my short natural hair.

                               Product recommendations

                                               Moisturizing and Sealing 

This lightweight formula will penetrate each hair strand immediately and prevent breakage. Seals in moisture. Makes hair soft, supple and easy to manage. Contains no mineral oil or petrolatum. Our Best Seller!

Contains a unique blend of NATURAL OILS used to soften the hair, give hair a healthy shine and seal in moisture. 

                                                  Styler Options  

                              Foaming Sea Silk Curly Styler (Light hold for looser textures)

This alcohol free foam styler is loaded with extracts of certified organic ingredients and is excellent for chemically treated and natural hair. This product provides a light to medium hold for your curly styles without a hard / crunchy feeling. 

If you are not a huge fan of gel, you will absolutely love this styling product. This multipurpose cream will give your curls hold without weighing the hair down. It is excellent for braid-outs, twist-outs, rod sets and  bantu curls! Works well to hold those curls on natural hair and chemically treated hair. Contains a unique blend of 11 botanical extracts used to soften and give the hair a healthy shine!  Can be used on wet or dry hair.

                                      Botanical Defining Gel (Firm hold all hair types)

This botanically enriched gel defines your natural curls, waves and kinks without weighing the hair down. Keeps curls smooth, soft, conditioned, full of body and frizz free. Great for smoothing, molding, twisting, wash and go, braid outs and twists. 

All products are available at

Be sure to use the coupon code HYDRALOVE at checkout for additional savings!

#Hydratherma #hydrathermanaturals #naturalhair #definingcurls #aloecurlenhancingcream #botanicaldefininggel #styler #naturalhairproducts

Thursday, July 13, 2017

How often should I wash my natural hair?

How often should I wash my natural hair?
Hey guys!
Hope that you all had an amazing week. It is almost FRI-YAY!
In this blog post, I’m going to discuss how often we should cleanse our hair.
There are many factors that are involved in a great cleansing schedule.

It can depend on:
-The length and thickness of your hair
-Whether you work out or swim a lot
-If you are using heavy products in your hair daily
-The amount of natural oils that your scalp produces (which vary from person to person)
-If you have dandruff
-If you work in dusty environments
…….and many other factors.

How often should I wash my natural hair?
In my professional opinion as a licensed cosmetologist, I believe that it is best not to go any longer than 14 days without cleansing and deep conditioning the hair. Cleansing weekly is optimal.  Your hair has to be in its cleanest state to reap the benefits of your deep conditioning treatments and moisturizers. If your hair is not very clean, the deep conditioner or moisturizer will not penetrate the hair strand because there will be a layer of buildup blocking absorption. This is why trying to moisturize dirty hair is futile.  If your hair feels dry after deep conditioning, it may not be clean enough. We suggest that you clarify and deep condition again. You will notice a huge difference when you deep condition and moisturize hair that has been cleansed properly.

As small children, many any of us were taught to cleanse our hair every 1-2 months but this will only result in dry / brittle hair. Just think.... water is the basic and most supreme form of moisture. It is very important to keep your scalp clean and healthy for growth to occur. It is best to shampoo in the shower to prevent major tangling. Apply a quarter size amount of the Hydratherma Naturals Shampoo to the scalp, massage and squeeze through to the hair ends. Please don't pile all of your hair on the top of your head and shampoo vigorously! This will definitely cause tangling and breakage.

*Product recommendations
-Hydratherma Naturals Moisture Boosting Shampoo
-Hydratherma Naturals Herbal Amino Clarifying Shampoo
-Organic Scalp Soothing Shampoo Bar with Tea Tree and Peppermint
-SLS Free Moisture Plus Hair Cleanser

Deep Conditioning
It is very important to deep condition your hair with heat weekly. You may use a cordless heating cap or sit under a hood dryer for more penetration. Our Hydratherma Naturals deep conditioners do not just coat the hair strand. These deep conditioning treatments are designed to penetrate the cortex layer of the hair infusing moisture into the hair strand. Our protein deep conditioning treatments strengthen the hair (hair is 75% protein) by penetrating the cortex layer and adding amino acids (simple proteins) to the portions of the hair strands that are weak. If you still don’t have time to deep condition, apply the deep penetrating conditioner to your hair and cover with a plastic cap at night before sleeping. In the morning, comb through, rinse out the deep conditioner and style as usual.

*Product recommendations
-Hydratherma Naturals Moisture Boosting Deep Conditioning Treatment
-Hydratherma Naturals Amino Plus Protein Deep Conditioning Treatment

For extreme deep conditioning, add a layer of the Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Oil to the hair / scalp in addition to the deep conditioner. Cover with plastic cap and then deep condition with heat.
You can alternate the Moisture and Protein deep conditioning treatments every other week to keep your hair balanced with moisture and protein.
Tip - While washing your hair, be sure that your nails are trimmed and filed. This will prevent unwarranted breakage and snags. Removing jewelry will help also.

What about Co-washing?
Co-washing should never replace regular cleansing sessions because proper cleansing of the hair and scalp (with a cleansing agent) is absolutely necessary for healthy hair.  Co-washes can work out great in between shampoos. This is especially true for those who exercise multiple times a week.  If you really want to reap the benefits of your moisturizers and deep conditioning treatments, be sure to cleanse properly to remove dirt and buildup.

Hope that this information was helpful to you guys.

Hydratherma Naturals products are available at

Use Code HYDRALOVE at checkout for 10% OFF ALL INVENTORY!

Until next time!

Saleemah Cartwright
Hydratherma Naturals CEO / Co-Owner

#Hydratherma #HydrathermaNaturals #WashingNaturalHair #naturalhaircare #naturalhairgrowth

Monday, June 19, 2017

BRAID OUT | Super Defined Type 4 Natural Hair ft Hydratherma Naturals

Beautiful Braidout Featuring Hydratherma Naturals Products. Type 4 hair

Products are available at

#braidout #Hydrathermanaturals #Hydratherma #naturalhair #twistout

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

The Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

Hey everyone out there!
It has been a crazy few weeks but I am back to blogging

This post was inspired by one of our awesome Hydratherma Naturals customers. Several months ago, she asked me about the Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Plus Hair Vitamins. She wanted to know if the HydrathermaNaturals Hair Growth Plus Vitamins were the best vitamins for hair growth.
At that time, she has never tried any of the Hydratherma Naturals products and the vitamins peaked her interest. She told me that her hair was growing at an extremely slow pace and that she was suffering from hair loss due to stress. She also noticed that her nails were extremely brittle and were constantly breaking.
As most of you guys already know, I previously worked as a RN Hospice Charge Nurse prior to starting Hydratherma Naturals. I was excited to hear her story so I put on my nursing “hat” and started to assess her situation. I knew that we could help her. I asked her numerous questions about her general health without being to intrusive. She stated that she wasn’t on any medications; she exercised 2 times a week and ate very healthy. She also told me that just stared meditating daily to relieve stress a month ago. 
She seemed to be on the right track as far as eating healthy and relieving stress. She just needed an extra boost of nutrients in the form of supplementation to get her hair healthy again. I recommended the Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Plus Vitamins to her along with the Hydratherma moisture and protein balancing products. I saw her a few days ago and I must say that I was even impressed with her hair growth. The thickness and overall health of her hair was very noticeable.

Sooooooooo…… What are the best vitamins for hair growth? 
What is the best vitamin for hair loss? 
What is the best hair vitamin for hair, skin and nails?

I’ll let you be the judge. Just take a look at the ingredient list in the Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Plus Vitamins. They contain many herbs and extracts that you will not find in most other hair growth vitamins in the market.  I must say…..  If you compare the ingredient list of the Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Plus Vitamins to any other hair vitamin on the market, you will rate it at the top. This is because it is not your average hair growth vitamin!

We believe that the Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Plus Vitamins are the best vitamins for hair growth because it provides all of the necessary vitamins, minerals, herbs and extracts that your body needs for healthy hair.

Power Packed Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Growth
ESSENTIAL VITAMINS FOR HAIR, SKIN & NAILS -Hair Growth Plus not only support fast hair growth but this hair supplement also supports healthy skin and nails. Our advanced supplements contain an exclusive combination of the finest vitamins, minerals, herbs and extracts for longer, fuller and healthier hair. Contains 5000mcg of Biotin. More than most other brands. Also enriched with MSM, Keratin, Collagen, Silica, Hyaluronic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Grape Seed Extract, Fo-ti Root Powder, Golgi Berry Extract and many other natural herbs, minerals and vitamins for faster hair growth. Enriched with 27 natural / maximum strength vitamins, minerals, herbs and extracts to promote hair growth including:
VITAMIN C & GRAPE SEED EXTRACT Powerful antioxidants.
BIOTIN 5000mcg of Biotin to support strong nails, healthy hair and beautiful skin. Supports hair growth and hair loss prevention.
MSM Awesome hair supplement to reduce / reverse hair loss and thinning for faster hair growth.
SILICA Help to prevent hair thinning and restore vitality to hair
COLLAGEN A major structural protein of connective tissues (skin health).
KERATIN A protein responsible for keeping the hair strong and pliable.
HYALURONIC ACID plays a critical role in skin health with its unique ability to hold in moisture resulting in youthful skin naturally.
COPPER FOR ANTI- GREY SUPPORT & many more vitamins, minerals and extracts for hair growth

1- 2 tablets daily preferably with meals or as directed by a health care professional. Be sure to drink plenty of water daily. Please consult your health care professional prior to taking any supplement. 

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 400 mg 667% DV
Vitamin E (d-Alpha tocopheryl succinate)  60 IU 200% DV
Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine hcl)  4 mg 200% DV
Biotin    5000 mcg 1667% DV
Pantothenic Acid (d-calcium pantothenate)  20 mg 200% DV
Zinc (citrate)  20 mg 133% DV
Selenium (L-selenomethionine)  140 mcg 200% DV
Copper (cupric oxide)  1 mg 50% DV
Manganese (gluconate)  4 mg 200% DV
MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane)  250 mg          
Silica (bamboo stem extract)  12.5 mg   
Hydrolyzed Collagen Type 1 & 3 (bovine)  250 mg            
L-Mehtionine   125 mg 
Citrus Bioflavonoid 50% Complex  100 mg           
Hydrolyzed Keratin  50 mg         
Hyaluronic Acid  5 mg   
Alpha Lipoic Acid   50 mg             
Gotu Kola Extract (10% triterpenes) (leaf)  120 mg          
Grape Seed 95% Extract (inner core)  100 mg    
Fo-Ti Root Powder  50 mg          
Indian Gooseberry Fruit Extract (60% tannins)  50 mg    
Goji Berry 40% Extract (L. barbarum) (fruit)  25 mg          
Bladderwrack Powder (thallus)   5 mg   
Nori Yaki (Porphyra tenera) (thallus)  5 mg         
Wakame Powder (Undaria pinnatifida)  5 mg

As you can see, the Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth PlusVitamins would be a great supplement to add to your healthy diet. In our opinion, it is the absolute best vitamin for hair growth J
Have you tried the Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Vitamins for hair growth? Please let us know.

Hydratherma Naturals products are available at
Use Code HYDRALOVE at checkout for 10% OFF!
@grahamnaturalscurls on IG loves the Hair Growth Plus Vitamins
Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Oil and Hair Growth Plus Vitamins - Great Combo!

Until next time!
Saleemah Cartwright
Hydratherma Naturals CEO / Co-Owner

#hydratherma #hydrathermanaturals #hairgrowth #HairGrowthVitamin #BestVitaminForHairGrowth #BestVitaminsForHairLoss #HairSkinNails #HairGrowthPlusVitamin

Friday, May 19, 2017

How to moisturize 4c low porosity hair. 4 Great Tips!

How to moisturize 4c hair. 
How to moisturize low porosity hair.

Hey everyone!
As we all know, keeping your hair moisturized and preventing breakage can be a challenge for many hair types. This is extremely true for very tightly curled 4c hair and low porosity hair types.

How to moisturize 4c hair.
How to moisturize low porosity hair.
                                            The beautiful Lupita rocking her 4c natural hair

Here are some great simple hair tips to moisturize 4c hair types as well as low porosity hair.

Moisturize Wet Hair Immediately After Deep Conditioning.
One great tip is to moisturize your hair immediately after deep conditioning. After washing and deep conditioning with the Hydratherma Naturals products, section the hair in 4-6 sections. While still wet - to each section, apply the Hydratherma Naturals Protein Balance Leave In Conditioner (protein), Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion (moisture) and seal in the moisture with the Hair Growth Oil (sealer). Then, style as usual.  

Remember that water is the ultimate form of moisture but as we all know, we cannot walk around with wet hair all day long. Moisturizing the hair while in its wet state (after deep conditioning) will allow the hair to retain more moisture. This will definitely help to increase the moisture levels in your hair.

                                   Hydratherma Naturals Protein Balance Leave In Conditioner 
                            The Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion and The Hair Growth Oil

These 3 products should be used daily on dry 4C low porosity hair to maintain a nice balance of moisture and protein during the week. It is not necessary to wet the hair before each use during the week. If you are experiencing dryness, this tip will help you a great deal.

Don't Moisturize Dirty Hair. Moisturizing Clean Hair Is Optimal.
Moisturizing dirty hair containing product buildup is a waste of time. To moisturize effectively, the hair cannot be dirty. The goal is to have the moisture penetrate the hair strand from the cuticle (outer layer) to the cortex (inner layer). The water based HydrathermaNaturals Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion will penetrate the clean hair strand easily. If there is too much product buildup on the cuticle, the moisturizer will not be able to penetrate the shaft which will eventually lead to dryness and breakage. It is so important to keep the hair clean.

Know That Hair Oils Do Not Moisturize the Hair.
Many try to use "hair oils" to moisturize their 4c low porosity hair. Oil alone will not properly moisturize the hair. Oil should be used to seal in the moisture "AFTER" moisturizing the hair. We suggest that you moisturize first with the  water based Hydratherma Naturals Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion and then seal in the moisture with our Hair Growth Oil. Water based moisturizers penetrate the hair strand easier and moisturize better. Stay away from mineral oil and petrolatum based products to moisturize because these substances will not penetrate the hair strand.

Don't Over Moisture The Hair
Did you all know that 'over moisturizing' the hair can cause breakage? If your hair is over moisturized, it will feel soft and spongy when wet. Hair in this state will break easily. If your hair is over moisturized, balance the moisture with protein. The HydrathermaNaturals Protein Balance Leave In Conditioner or our Amino Plus Protein DeepConditioning Treatment will help balance the moisture / protein levels. Once the hair is balanced, the breakage will stop and length / thickness will be obtained over time.

If you have 4c or low porosity hair, these tips will help to increase your moisture levels and prevent breakage.  Great hair practices and the right products will keep your hair healthy, moisturized and strong.

Please drop us a note and let us know how these methods work for you.
Saleemah Cartwright CEO Hydratherma Naturals

#Hydratherma #HydrathermaNaturals #MoisturizingNaturalHair

#Moisturizing4chair @moisturizingLowPorosityHair #MoisturizingColoredHair #DailyMoisturizingGrowthLotion #ProteinBalanceLeaveInConditioner