Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Best Hydratherma Naturals Deals! Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Small Bu...

Are you ready? Hydratherma Naturals Holiday Deals are coming!
Black Friday-Small Business Saturday-Cyber Monday
Happy Holidays!
Be sure to take advantage of the Hydratherma Naturals
holiday deals this year!
Use the code -> SUPERSALE <- at checkout and receive
30% OFF ALL INVENTORY at www.HydrathermaNaturals.com 
This includes already discounted collection sets and vitamin
Be sure to take advantage EARLY! We are sure to sell out!
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Products- http://www.HydrathermaNaturals.com

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Friday, November 3, 2017

How to prevent natural hair breakage with the correct NIGHTLY ROUTINE- 4 tips!

How to prevent natural hair breakage with the correct NIGHTLY ROUTINE- 4 tips!

Let’s face it, your nightly hair routine is extremely important when it comes to keeping your natural hair healthy and breakage free.

Protect those strands nightly. 
Protecting your natural hair at night is key when it comes to preventing tangles, single strand knots and thinning areas.  Many naturalistas may notice thinning and breakage and wonder why it may be occurring. If you are keeping your hair well moisturized and balanced with moisture/ protein, your nightly regimen may be the culprit.
Here are 4 great hair tips that will keep your mane protected at night.

1.     Pleassssse…get rid of that cotton pillow case.  I would suggest that you invest in a satin or silk pillowcase. Cotton should be avoided because this material is absorbent and will soak up the moisture in your natural hair.  This will result in severely dry hair. Satin and silk fabrics are smoother and will not cause friction.  This means…….. fewer tangles and snags.

2. Never sleep with your natural hair loose. Sleeping with loose natural hair will lead to tangles galore! Before retiring to bed always be sure that your hair is tucked away in a protective style. I.e. Braids, pin curls, twists, wrapped, bun etc.  This will prevent tangles and ultimately prevent breakage.

3. Sleep with a silk or satin hair bonnet / scarf every single night. This will protect your hair as you sleep. If your significant other is not really feeling it, you can opt for a stylish bonnet. There are many online vendors selling lovely handmade bonnets that are actually cute. If you prefer to not cover your hair at night, be sure that you sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase.

4. Moisturize before bed. Moisturizing the hair before bed is the best time to do so. Apply the moisturizer to your hair, style your hair in a protective style and cover to protect. This will allow the moisture to soak in and penetrate your hair strands. In the morning, your hair will be super soft and well moisturized. Just fluff and go.  

Product recommendations to retain moisture – Hydratherma Naturals Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion to moisturize and the Hair Growth Oil to seal in the moisture.

                                                      Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Oil

Hope that these nightly routines will help you to avoid a hair setback.
Thanks for reading and I’ll catch ya at the next blog posts!
Saleemah Cartwright
Hydratherma Naturals – CEO
All products are available at www.HydrathermaNaturals.com
Be sure to use the coupon code HYDRALOVE at checkout for additional savings!
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