Hey guys!
Hope that you all are having an AMAZING week! In this blog post, I'm gonna discuss transitioning from relaxed to natural hair.
Are you transitioning from relaxed to natural hair? Transitioning hair can be a bit tough to deal with but it can be done with very little stress if you have a plan. Having a plan on how to deal with your transitioning hair will make your life much easier. Many people start to transition from relaxed to natural hair without a game plan and then eventually quit because they have no clue about how to deal with the different and "unfamiliar" hair textures.
Some people transition from relaxed to natural hair by doing the "big chop" after a few months. This is what I did when I first went natural. I transitioned for about 5 months and then grabbed the scissors.
Some transition for 1-3 years while clipping off their relaxed ends bit by bit. The route that you decide to go is completely up to you!
Below are some Transitioning Hair Tips that will be extremely helpful as you start your natural hair journey. I also include the best Hydratherma Naturals products to use as you transition from relaxed to natural hair.
from Relaxed to Natural Hair
1. Stay Moisturized
Remember to keep your hair well moisturized with the Hydratherma Naturals Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion as you transition. As you transition from relaxed to natural hair, your hair will tend to break where your natural hair ends and your relaxed hair begins. This is because your natural hair is more resilient. To curtail breakage, moisture is the key. When transitioning from relaxed to natural hair, we suggest that you spray your scalp and new growth with the Hydratherma NaturalsFollicle Mist. This will soften the new growth and prevent breakage at the line of demarcation. Then follow with the Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion and the Hair Growth Oil to the new growth and hair ends. Very little breakage will be experienced as you transition if you make sure that your hair is well moisturized.
2. Try braids
Braids can be great protective styles if done properly as you transition from relaxed to natural hair. While wearing braids you can let your hair "rest" for a while as it grows. I do not recommend keeping braids in for longer than 8 weeks. 4-6 weeks would be most advantageous to prevent breakage. Please make sure that the hair is not braided too tightly. This could result in alopecia. While wearing the braids, continue with your weekly wash and deep conditioning schedule. Please don’t forget to take care of your own hair under the weave or braided style.
3. Steer clear of heat damage
This is one important transitioning hair tip. If you would like to wear the straight look, be very careful to avoid heat damage. Try roller sets as you transition from relaxed to natural hair while blowing out the roots only. If you have to use direct heat, I would suggest using ceramic or tourmaline styling tools because they are far less damaging. Try not to use heat more than once a week on clean hair.
4. Curly styles reign while transitioning from relaxed to natural hair
If you are transitioning and wear straight styles all of the time, the humidity will cause a flawless hairstyle to look like a nightmare. Have fun with styles that will last through the humidity. Try bantu knot sets, braid outs, rod sets, straw sets and twist sets. These styles require less manipulation. Just finger comb in the morning and you are out of the door. With styles like these, you can go the gym and still keep your cute curly style!
5. Manipulate you hair very little
I would suggest combing your hair on wash days only and not combing your hair while it is in its dry state. This will cut down on the breakage that you may experience to a great extent. If you are wearing curly styles while transitioning from relaxed to natural, just finger comb in the morning. If you are wearing your hair straight, comb with a wide tooth comb and try to manipulate your hair very little.
6. Keep a great hair regime
Washing and deep conditioning weekly is still very crucial especially while transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. Be sure to maintain a healthy protein / moisture balance with your hair because your hair is in a very delicate state during your transitioning months.
7. Have patience
Transitioning from relaxed to natural hair will not happen overnight. It does take lots of fortitude and perseverance so just hang in there! As your hair grows, slowly trim off the relaxed ends and soon all of the relaxed ends will be gone. If you are super impatient....... do the big chop!
Remember to keep your hair well moisturized with the Hydratherma Naturals Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion as you transition. As you transition from relaxed to natural hair, your hair will tend to break where your natural hair ends and your relaxed hair begins. This is because your natural hair is more resilient. To curtail breakage, moisture is the key. When transitioning from relaxed to natural hair, we suggest that you spray your scalp and new growth with the Hydratherma NaturalsFollicle Mist. This will soften the new growth and prevent breakage at the line of demarcation. Then follow with the Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion and the Hair Growth Oil to the new growth and hair ends. Very little breakage will be experienced as you transition if you make sure that your hair is well moisturized.
2. Try braids
Braids can be great protective styles if done properly as you transition from relaxed to natural hair. While wearing braids you can let your hair "rest" for a while as it grows. I do not recommend keeping braids in for longer than 8 weeks. 4-6 weeks would be most advantageous to prevent breakage. Please make sure that the hair is not braided too tightly. This could result in alopecia. While wearing the braids, continue with your weekly wash and deep conditioning schedule. Please don’t forget to take care of your own hair under the weave or braided style.
3. Steer clear of heat damage
This is one important transitioning hair tip. If you would like to wear the straight look, be very careful to avoid heat damage. Try roller sets as you transition from relaxed to natural hair while blowing out the roots only. If you have to use direct heat, I would suggest using ceramic or tourmaline styling tools because they are far less damaging. Try not to use heat more than once a week on clean hair.
4. Curly styles reign while transitioning from relaxed to natural hair
If you are transitioning and wear straight styles all of the time, the humidity will cause a flawless hairstyle to look like a nightmare. Have fun with styles that will last through the humidity. Try bantu knot sets, braid outs, rod sets, straw sets and twist sets. These styles require less manipulation. Just finger comb in the morning and you are out of the door. With styles like these, you can go the gym and still keep your cute curly style!
5. Manipulate you hair very little
I would suggest combing your hair on wash days only and not combing your hair while it is in its dry state. This will cut down on the breakage that you may experience to a great extent. If you are wearing curly styles while transitioning from relaxed to natural, just finger comb in the morning. If you are wearing your hair straight, comb with a wide tooth comb and try to manipulate your hair very little.
6. Keep a great hair regime
Washing and deep conditioning weekly is still very crucial especially while transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. Be sure to maintain a healthy protein / moisture balance with your hair because your hair is in a very delicate state during your transitioning months.
7. Have patience
Transitioning from relaxed to natural hair will not happen overnight. It does take lots of fortitude and perseverance so just hang in there! As your hair grows, slowly trim off the relaxed ends and soon all of the relaxed ends will be gone. If you are super impatient....... do the big chop!
Transitioning hair tip - Product recommendation
This combo is a must have if you are transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. It will keep your hair super soft and well moisturized. This is what transitioning hair needs the most.
1. Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion (with Emu oil) to increase moisture levels
2. Hair Growth Oil (with Emu oil) to seal in the moisture and for scalp massages
Transitioning hair tip - Product recommendation.
The Hydratherma Naturals Follicle Mist is a must have for anyone out there transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. It will soften your new growth and prevent breakage at the line of demarcation. It will also help promote growth if used with scalp massages by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles.
I hope that these transitioning hair tips were helpful to anyone out there who is struggling with the whole process. Don''t be discouraged and quit. If transitioning from relaxed to natural hair is something that you really want to do, get your game plan together and go for the gusto!
You can get more #TransitioningHairTips at www.HydrathermaNaturals.com
Bye for now!
Saleemah Cartwright
Hydratherma Naturals Founder / CEO
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